Please join me for a class aimed at empowering you to use simple herbs and self-acupressure to address common vulnerabilities we share during this time. We will focus on herbs and points for building immunity, for promoting respiratory health, preventing poor digestion leading to the formation of dampness and phlegm, and end with promoting proper circulation thus preventing blood stasis. It is a lot simpler than it sounds!
You will be amazed at how a few inexpensive and easy to use techniques can really add to the resiliency of your body and spirit. Empowering you with some time-tested tools in promoting health is crucial at this time, both physically and mentally.
Wednesday the 29th I will present the information in English, and the following week my dear friend and esteemed colleague Rodrigo Esteva (www.dancemonks.com) will present the same information in Spanish- and I will be there to answer questions that may arise.
The class is hosted by the Fresno Center's Holistic Cultural Education & Wellness Center, and if you want to attend please register through them at https://www.facebook.com/events/1387830828274526
I hope to see you there!