Equanimity Meditation Class

You are warmly welcomed to join our "Equanimity Practice" group, which meets on Fridays, 8-8:30 AM

(same zoom link as the Metta class: meeting ID #75735734442, password metta)

Elena leads a simple meditation practice on cultivating equanimity  ("upekkha" in Pali) that is accepting the reality of life's highs and lows, and developing an attitude of peaceful calm abiding throughout the inevitable changes.  

This practice balances the heart centered approach of our other group practice, loving-kindness ("metta").  When we focus on cultivating the heart and caring, it can be common to get emotionally attached to positive outcomes for those we spend time wishing well.  Actually the outcome of our well-wishes is out of our control and the responsibility of the individual.  

This is a great practice for anyone who struggles with issues around codependency. Or is feeling emotionally distraught over current events or their personal life

Equanimity allows us to develop mental stability and even-minded loving awareness.  

Appropriate for all religious backgrounds and levels of meditation experience.

Attendees can choose to leave their microphone and camera off and just follow along.

Hope to see you on Friday mornings!

If you cannot make it to our meditation groups, there are recordings available on youtube.  Message for the link elena@communityneedles.com